Trace Martyn

Assistant Professor of Rangeland Science

Oregon State University

Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center

(EOARC - Union)

Curriculum Vitae




Why I study what I study

I grew up in the Piedmont of North Carolina and it was there that I developed an interest in the environment and wildlife exploring the woods in my backyard. I continued to pursue my interest in the environment, studying Wildlife and Fisheries at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. After my undergrad and a number of years working on the SGS-LTER, I decided to pursue a Masters degree in Botany at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming. After my Masters, I accepted a PhD position with the Mayfield Community Ecology Lab at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. In the Mayfield Lab, I researched complex plant interactions in annual plant communities in Western Australia. I finished my PhD in June 2020 and joined the Gornish Lab at the University of Arizona in Tucson as a Postdoctoral Researcher. In the Gornish Lab, I worked on a number of restoration ecology projects: exploring the impacts of installation of rock structures to improve vegetation establishment, examining restoration seed preference in granivorous ant species, and using functional traits to inform restoration species selection for multiple ecosystem services and management goals. In May 2022, I joined the Lauenroth Lab at Yale University as a Postdoctoral Researcher working on building at testing monitoring protocols with a team of students on a ranch in Colorado. In November 2023, I started a position at Oregon State University / Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center - Union as an Assistant Professor of Rangeland Science.

That’s it?!

Currently, I am trying to build my lab at OSU. My goal over the next year is to build a lab that supports a diversity of students and ideas.

Join the Lab!

Want to join the lab? Please reach out to me at trace.martyn @